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Karina Arenas Bonansea,

Karuna Seeds Yoga的創辦人,











  • -身體的探索與對話,以找出並尊敬各個層面的妳——



  • -量身訂製的身心儀式及子宮灑滿之旅程


  • -Womb-Moon身心練習


  • -輕敲式靜心,與其他能量調整技巧

  • -傳授神聖女性能量的原型與元素







Elizabeth Coetzee











































WMA 個案,台灣

4 petals mandala_edited.jpg













 WMA 個案, 台灣


我最近狀況很好, 1-1課程我收獲很大,課上老師的引導,會慢慢在發酵,那些好的信念已經種在心裡,不止是頭腦懂了。





 WMA 個案, 中國

非常非常感動、感謝您對我的分享與教誨,協助我釐清在“現象界混淆難辨”的本質/ 雜質,進行煉金。

 WMA 個案, 台灣






















“與 Zoya 私下合作為我打開了很多可能性。Zoya 教我很多技巧來幫助我應對日常工作。Zoya 在很多層面上都是知識淵博的人。她與我分享的知識和技能的數量不計其數。照顧好我的情緒健康正在幫助我更好地應對。我學到了很多東西,還有很多東西要學習。意識、釋放恐懼和接觸感覺都是這個學習過程的一部分. 必須提供一個安全可靠的環境才能開始這個過程。Zoya 已經並將繼續為我提供這樣的環境。

Zoya 一直為我提供支持。我知道只要我需要她,她就會在那裡,我永遠感激.


WMA 個案,英國










  • 這將是妳與我第一次的私人個案

  • 妳已經完成至少三個月的私人指導

  • 這是一個緊急情況,妳真的需要我的幫助


Kayla Oceanna








  • 創造一個激勵人心的願景,看到在妳目前的情況下有什麼可能性

  • 進行一些能量清理,化解妳的情感痛苦

  • 揭示一些潛在的觸發因素,轉化一些過去的模式

  • 確定恢復生活平衡和實現自我覺醒的最重要的下一步





Anne Dewees,



Anne Dewes_edited.jpg
卓雅廣播 📢 08 情緒: 轉化情緒的4個步;學習管理情緒並了解你靈魂的指導
Zoya Lu - Womb-Moon Alchemy & Yoga

卓雅廣播 📢 08 情緒: 轉化情緒的4個步;學習管理情緒並了解你靈魂的指導

***獲取Womb-Moon練習和其他免費資源: ————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————— 卓雅廣播 📢 08 情緒: 轉化情緒的4個步;學習管理情緒並了解你靈魂的指導 你被情緒侵擾嗎? 來一起了解情緒而學習管理情緒吧! 這一次我很詳細的分享轉化情緒的4個步驟。 很重要:情緒不是你的敵人。 每一個情緒都是來自靈魂的指導,所以需要認真傾聽自己的情緒要告訴我們什麼! 專注在這個訊息為什麼出現?在什麼狀況下被引發的?它要我們了解什麼? ------------------------------ 我的 諮詢療程: 歡迎加入我們的Woon-Moon 女人圈: 妳還可以分享自己的經驗,問我問題並被別的姐妹見證和擁抱。 If you enjoyed this video, subscribe to my channel here: And please share with someone you love so they benefit too. Namaste! ———————- 卓雅熱愛引導女性以鍊金術煉化情緒,並充分顯化自身本質,好在自己的身體及關係中享有自由與愛。她是專業的子宮激活引導人、月祭司、情緒自由引導人、能量治療師、瑜珈療癒師及關係教練。在提供靈性導師的服務逾16年間,卓雅已為世界各地數以百計的人,催化療癒和自我實現。 二十多年前踏上靈性覺醒之後,卓雅在正念練習、哈達瑜伽、密宗瑜伽、能量心理學、諮詢輔導、能量療癒、身心靈全方位健康、冥想和瑜伽療法方面接受了廣泛的培訓。 她廣放地沈浸在世界智慧傳統和治療藝術的學習和實踐中,例如十三月神秘學、子宮薩滿教、阿育吠陀、道教、小乘佛教和密宗佛教,紮實地提升了她在諮詢輔導方面的能力。 Zoya 熱衷於通過獲取、榮耀和體現愛作為她們的真實本性來幫助女性們創造幸福的生活。 與她一起練習時,女性會感到被傾聽、被接受、被重視、被滋養和被愛。同時,卓雅會引導她們去發現問題的盲點。根據她的客戶和學生說,卓雅非常擅長將深奧的靈性內容轉換為主流世界裡十分接地氣的哲學內容和實踐方法。 卓雅有一種天賦,能夠識別並充滿同情心地指出任何困難的根源,並提供有效的支持以立即做出積極性的改變。 她的指導伴隨著情感及生理上的療癒,每個女人都需要真正的去愛和被愛。卓雅透過身心練習,以創造深刻、持久的改變。同時,以子宮為中心,練習錨定於內在的安全感、力量以及自身獨特的真相當中。 卓雅結合自己對人類心理的認識、指導他人的經驗、自身強大的直覺能力以及承諾結合,成為「愛之船」。 與她合作過的個案都有這樣的感受:「卓雅善良、熱情和溫柔的天性讓人立刻感到很舒服。 她與充滿滋養的能量共振,讓我感到被支持和被愛。」 --------------- #卓雅廣播 #情緒 #wombmoon煉金術 #希望大家平安渡過這一波 卓雅, 卓雅廣播, 愛, 關係, 親子關係,情緒, 療癒, 煉金術, 自我調節, 共同調節 how to, vlog, tutorial, emotions, Soul, Body, Spirit, sacred trinity, healing, processing emotions, grounding, emotional self-help, self-regulation, presence, emotional intelligence, repressing emotions, self-love, challenging situations, emotional regulation, emotions, self-control, feminine spirituality, embodied, embodiment
Emotions. Emotional Self-Help. Self-Regulation Resources. Help Yourself in Challenging Situations.
Zoya Lu - Womb-Moon Alchemy & Yoga

Emotions. Emotional Self-Help. Self-Regulation Resources. Help Yourself in Challenging Situations.

***Download guided audio yoga practices for FREE and get access to a video training on difficult emotions here: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Life is filled with ups and downs. When we go through some current challenges or healing our past there are times when we’re emotionally imbalanced and volatile or feeling down or broken. We all can get lost in spirals of worry and anxiety, grief and depression, or irritation and anger. I’m lucky to have many self-regulation tools to help myself emotionally when I’m feeling overwhelmed or lost. I’ve been practicing for 20 years and have collected many techniques to bring me back from a place where I’m about to lose myself or “check out” — distract myself from being in the moment. What can YOU easily access in challenging moments so that you can stay present and process your emotions rather than repress them? It’s important to know your self-regulation tools if you want to be free and joyful in your body and your relationships. I trust you’ve got what you need to be empowered even in the most difficult times! -------------------------------------------------- Love Coaching: Join me online: facebook page ~ private facebook group ~ instagram ~ If you enjoyed this video, subscribe to my channel here: And please share with someone you love so they benefit too. Namaste! ———————- Zoya Lu is a relationship coach and emotional freedom practitioner. She’s also a womb awakening teacher and facilitator, embodiment priestess, and the founder of Womb-Moon Yoga - the way of life that re-creates love, oneness, and freedom. After a spiritual awakening over two decades ago, Zoya’s extensively trained in energy psychology, coaching, mindfulness, energy healing, holistic health, hatha and tantra yoga, meditation, and yoga therapy. Her coaching skills are enhanced with her immersion in the study and practice of the world’s wisdom traditions and healing arts such as the 13-Moon Mystery School, Womb Shamanism, Ayurveda, Taoism, Theravada, and Vajrayana Buddhism. Zoya is passionate about helping women to create happy marriages by accessing, honoring, and embodying love as their true essence. When working with her, women feel heard, accepted, valued, nourished, and loved just the way they are, and, at the same time, they are guided to see their blind spots that contribute to their marriage problems. According to her clients, Zoya has a gift of recognizing and compassionately pointing out at the very root of any marriage difficulty and offering effective practical guidance and support to make immediate positive changes. Her coaching comes along with the facilitation of emotional healing that every woman needs to truly love and be loved. Zoya’s approach is somatic to create deep and life-lasting changes and womb-centered to anchor her clients in internal safety, power, and their own unique truth. Zoya combines her vast knowledge of the human psyche and coaching experience with her strong intuitive skills and commitment to be a vessel of love. Offering her service as a full-time spiritual teacher and mentor since 2004, Zoya has been a catalyst for healing and self-realization to hundreds of people from all over the world. Emotional Self-Help, Self-Regulation Resource, Help Yourself in Challenging Situations, self-love, challenging situations, emotional regulation, emotions, self-control, womb practice, feminine spirituality, embodied, how to, vlog, tutorial, embodied alchemy, women’s yoga, yoga for women, grounded, empowered, relaxation, feminine foundation, Seren Bertrand, Womb Awakening, embodied alchemy, Love, Essence, healing, womb power, feminine power, Divine Feminine, wisdom, empowerment, Womb-Moon Yoga, Womb Yoga, Moon Yoga, embodiment, women’s yoga, yoga for women, Zoya Lu
卓雅廣播 📢 05 呼吸平衡:Womb-Moon瑜伽的概念;社會貶低女性能量,過度崇尚男性能量的問題;如何在疫情期間自我調節並保持積極態度;自律神經系統與呼吸的關係
Zoya Lu - Womb-Moon Alchemy & Yoga

卓雅廣播 📢 05 呼吸平衡:Womb-Moon瑜伽的概念;社會貶低女性能量,過度崇尚男性能量的問題;如何在疫情期間自我調節並保持積極態度;自律神經系統與呼吸的關係

***獲取Womb-Moon練習和其他免費資源: ------------------------------------------------------------------- 卓雅廣播 📢 05 呼吸平衡:Womb-Moon瑜伽的概念;社會貶低女性能量,過度崇尚男性能量的問題;如何在疫情期間自我調節並保持積極態度;自律神經系統與呼吸的關係 在這次談話中,我們談到了這些話題: *如何在疫情期間自我調節並保持積極態度 *自律神經系統與呼吸的關係 *如何吸氣和吐氣來調整和維繫陰陽平衡 *Womb-Moon瑜伽的概念 *社會貶低女性能量,過度崇尚男性能量的問題 #卓雅廣播 #關係 #愛情 #希望大家平安渡過這一波 ----------------------------------------- 我的課程和個案: 歡迎加入我們的Woon-Moon 女人圈: 妳還可以分享自己的經驗,問我問題並被別的姐妹見證和擁抱。 ———————- 卓雅熱愛引導女性以鍊金術煉化情緒,並充分顯化自身本質,好在自己的身體及關係中享有自由與愛。她是專業的子宮激活引導人、月祭司、情緒自由引導人、能量治療師、瑜珈療癒師及關係教練。在提供靈性導師的服務逾16年間,卓雅已為世界各地數以百計的人,催化療癒和自我實現。 ————————— 二十多年前踏上靈性覺醒之後,卓雅在正念練習、哈達瑜伽、密宗瑜伽、能量心理學、諮詢輔導、能量療癒、身心靈全方位健康、冥想和瑜伽療法方面接受了廣泛的培訓。 她廣放地沈浸在世界智慧傳統和治療藝術的學習和實踐中,例如十三月神秘學、子宮薩滿教、阿育吠陀、道教、小乘佛教和密宗佛教,紮實地提升了她在諮詢輔導方面的能力。 Zoya 熱衷於通過獲取、榮耀和體現愛作為她們的真實本性來幫助女性們創造幸福的生活。 與她一起練習時,女性會感到被傾聽、被接受、被重視、被滋養和被愛。同時,卓雅會引導她們去發現問題的盲點。根據她的客戶和學生說,卓雅非常擅長將深奧的靈性內容轉換為主流世界裡十分接地氣的哲學內容和實踐方法。 卓雅有一種天賦,能夠識別並充滿同情心地指出任何困難的根源,並提供有效的支持以立即做出積極性的改變。 她的指導伴隨著情感及生理上的療癒,每個女人都需要真正的去愛和被愛。卓雅透過身心練習,以創造深刻、持久的改變。同時,以子宮為中心,練習錨定於內在的安全感、力量以及自身獨特的真相當中。 卓雅結合自己對人類心理的認識、指導他人的經驗、自身強大的直覺能力以及承諾結合,成為「愛之船」。 與她合作過的個案都有這樣的感受:「卓雅善良、熱情和溫柔的天性讓人立刻感到很舒服。 她與充滿滋養的能量共振,讓我感到被支持和被愛。」 從2004 年開始,卓雅以全職靈性導師的身份開始為許多人服務,她一直是來自世界各地的數千名女性在療癒及自我實現方面的強大催化劑。
Just 5 minutes a day can change your life! Abdominal Breathing/Diaphragmatic Breathing- how to do it
Zoya Lu - Womb-Moon Alchemy & Yoga

Just 5 minutes a day can change your life! Abdominal Breathing/Diaphragmatic Breathing- how to do it

Abdominal Breathing, Diaphragmatic Breathing, Natural Breathing - how to do it and the benefits. Invest just 5 min a day and watch your body, mind, and life gradually experiencing many positive changes. #AbdominalBreathing #DiaphragmaticBreathing #NaturalBreathing #Healthybreathing In this video, I guide you into the practice of the abdominal breathing and answer the following questions: What is natural breathing? How to take deep breaths in a healthy way? What’s the difference between abdominal breathing and thoracic breathing? Why is it important to breathe with the belly? What are the benefits of the diaphragmatic breath (abdominal breath)? Do you naturally breathe with your belly? Do you find abdominal breathing challenging? Let me know in the comment section down below. And thank you for practicing! ***Get access to my FREE library*** of audio downloads (including this breathing practice and 2 more), video training, and practical tips for women eager to embody more love: Coach with me: Email me: Follow me online:  Facebook: Instagram: If you enjoyed this video, subscribe to my channel here: and hit the bell notification icon to be notified about future videos. Abdominal breathing is a deep breathing technique that engages the diaphragm muscles. It’s a very simple practice that brings great benefits. We are always busy and our sympathetic nervous system becomes over-stimulated, leading to an imbalance that can affect both our physical health resulting in inflammation, high blood pressure, muscle pain, etc, as well as mental health causing restlessness, anxiety, or depression. Abdominal breathing promotes stress reduction, relaxes the nervous system, massages the digestive organs and heart, and brings peacefulness into the mind. Investing just 5-10 minutes a day will bring many positive changes to your body, mind, and life. Practice it! And share with someone you love so they benefit too. Namaste! ———————- Zoya Lu is a relationship coach and emotional freedom therapist. She’s also a womb awakening teacher and facilitator, embodiment priestess, and the founder of Womb-Moon Yoga - the way of life that re-creates love, oneness, and freedom. After a spiritual awakening over two decades ago, Zoya’s extensively trained in energy psychology, coaching, mindfulness, energy healing, holistic health, hatha and tantra yoga, meditation, and yoga therapy. Her coaching skills are enhanced with her immersion in the study and practice of the world’s wisdom traditions and healing arts such as the 13-Moon Mystery School, Womb Shamanism, Ayurveda, Taoism, Theravada, and Vajrayana Buddhism.    Zoya is passionate about helping women to create happy marriages by accessing, honoring, and embodying love as their true essence. When working with her, women feel heard, accepted, valued, nourished, and loved just the way they are, and, at the same time, they are guided to see their blind spots that contribute to their marriage problems. According to her clients, Zoya has a gift of recognizing and compassionately pointing out at the very root of any marriage difficulty and offering effective practical guidance and support to make immediate positive changes.    Her coaching comes along with the facilitation of emotional healing that every woman needs to truly love and be loved. Zoya’s approach is somatic to create deep and life-lasting changes and womb-centered to anchor her clients in internal safety, power, and their own unique truth.    Zoya combines her vast knowledge of the human psyche and coaching experience with her strong intuitive skills and commitment to be a vessel of love. Offering her service as a full-time spiritual teacher and mentor since 2004, Zoya has been a catalyst for healing and self-realization to hundreds of people from all over the world. ----------- how to, vlog, tutorial, breathing, Abdominal Breathing, Diaphragmatic Breathing, Natural Breathing, Healthy breathing, Sacred Feminine, meditation, embodied alchemy, body prayer, yoga for women, sacred feminine, womb, moon, Divine Feminine, self-love, Love, healing, Womb-Moon Yoga, Womb Yoga, Moon Yoga, embodiment, women’s yoga, Zoya Lu, free yoga, yoga, yoga lesson, simple yoga, Zoyayoga
釋放儀式 Release Ritual : 釋放舊的故事、let go of old stories,  阻滯情緒及能量 stuck emotions and energies
Zoya Lu - Womb-Moon Alchemy & Yoga

釋放儀式 Release Ritual : 釋放舊的故事、let go of old stories, 阻滯情緒及能量 stuck emotions and energies

***Download guided audio yoga practices for FREE and get access to a video training on difficult emotions here: ------------------------------------------------------------------- To watch the beginning and end of this live broadcast (and any past and future videos and written guidance), please join our Womb-Moon Sisterhood group. You'll also get to share your experience and be witnessed and held by other 要觀看此直播的開始和結束(以及任何過去和將來的視頻和書面指南),請加入我們的Woon-Moon 女人圈。 妳還將分享自己的經驗,並被別的姐妹見證和擁抱。 -------------------------- May 26 19:19 Taiwan time / 7:19 EST Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius ♐️ 台灣時間5月26日19:19 射手全月蝕 This Full Supermoon comes with the Total Lunar Eclipse! 這超級滿月也就是全月蝕! Our Mama Earth will block the light of the Father Sun and the Moon will completely disappear in the shadow of Mama Earth. 我們的大地母親將擋住太陽父親的光芒,月亮也將完全消失在大地母親的身影之中。 As the light gets changed - the energy shifts and we get to see and experience things differently than before. 隨著光的轉變-能量場也將改變,讓我們看見以及經驗不同於以往的事物。 Called the portals of destiny, eclipses always bring accelerated change. 被稱為命運之門的月蝕,總是帶來急遽的轉變。 This lunar eclipse is the time of culmination and a life-changing ending. It’s perfect for releasing old stories, false beliefs, and those stuck emotions and energies that don’t serve you anymore. And then start anew - embracing ways of being, feeling, and doing aligned with your essence and the highest good of all. 而這一次的月蝕,更是改變生命的高潮,也是最終站。 此刻正是時候釋放舊的故事、錯誤信念,還有對你不再有用的阻滯情緒及能量。然後展開新的篇章-擁抱各樣的存在、感受,與你的本質及萬有的至善和諧一致。 Be aware that for about 3 days around the eclipse, your emotions might get high and experiences get ultra-subjective. Be gentle with yourself and others. Stay in your body - feel your breath, do some mindful movements, rest more. 注意,月蝕前後三天,你的情緒可能會高漲,並且極度地主觀。對自己及他人溫柔一點。待在自己的體內-感受你的呼吸,做正念的肢體練習,充分休息。 把握這次月蝕的機會,穿過命運之門,進入你的新世界。 And take this eclipse opportunity to go through the portal to your new reality. 把握這次月蝕的機會,穿過命運之門,進入你的新世界。 -------------------------- 我的 諮詢療程: 歡迎加入我們的Woon-Moon 女人圈: 如果對妳有幫助,我會很感激妳給我留言或點贊。 謝謝! 也歡迎分享。 Work with me: If you enjoyed this video, subscribe to my channel here: And please share with someone you love so they benefit too. Namaste! ———————- 卓雅熱愛引導女性以鍊金術煉化情緒,並充分顯化自身本質,好在自己的身體及關係中享有自由與愛。她是專業的子宮激活引導人、月祭司、情緒自由引導人、能量治療師、瑜珈療癒師及關係教練。在提供靈性導師的服務逾16年間,卓雅已為世界各地數以百計的人,催化療癒和自我實現。 二十多年前踏上靈性覺醒之後,卓雅在正念練習、哈達瑜伽、密宗瑜伽、能量心理學、諮詢輔導、能量療癒、身心靈全方位健康、冥想和瑜伽療法方面接受了廣泛的培訓。 她廣放地沈浸在世界智慧傳統和治療藝術的學習和實踐中,例如十三月神秘學、子宮薩滿教、阿育吠陀、道教、小乘佛教和密宗佛教,紮實地提升了她在諮詢輔導方面的能力。 Zoya 熱衷於通過獲取、榮耀和體現愛作為她們的真實本性來幫助女性們創造幸福的生活。 與她一起練習時,女性會感到被傾聽、被接受、被重視、被滋養和被愛。同時,卓雅會引導她們去發現問題的盲點。根據她的客戶和學生說,卓雅非常擅長將深奧的靈性內容轉換為主流世界裡十分接地氣的哲學內容和實踐方法。 卓雅有一種天賦,能夠識別並充滿同情心地指出任何困難的根源,並提供有效的支持以立即做出積極性的改變。 她的指導伴隨著情感及生理上的療癒,每個女人都需要真正的去愛和被愛。卓雅透過身心練習,以創造深刻、持久的改變。同時,以子宮為中心,練習錨定於內在的安全感、力量以及自身獨特的真相當中。 卓雅結合自己對人類心理的認識、指導他人的經驗、自身強大的直覺能力以及承諾結合,成為「愛之船」。 與她合作過的個案都有這樣的感受:「卓雅善良、熱情和溫柔的天性讓人立刻感到很舒服。 她與充滿滋養的能量共振,讓我感到被支持和被愛。」 --------------- 卓雅, 卓雅廣播, 愛, 關係, 親子關係,情緒, 療癒, 煉金術, 自我調節, 共同調節 Zoya Lu is a womb priestess, emotional alchemist, relationship coach, and the creatrix of Womb-Moon Alchemy of emotions, yoga & love. After a spiritual awakening over two decades ago, Zoya’s extensively trained in energy psychology, mindfulness, energy healing, coaching, holistic health, hatha and tantra yoga, meditation, and yoga therapy. Her coaching skills and strong intuition are enhanced with her immersion in the study and practice of the world’s wisdom traditions and healing arts such as the 13-Moon Mystery School, Womb Shamanism, Ayurveda, Taoism, Theravada, and Vajrayana Buddhism. According to her clients, Zoya has a gift of recognizing and compassionately pointing out at the very root of any difficulty and offering effective practical guidance and support to make immediate positive changes. Her embodied, womb-centered & moon-inspired approach creates deep & life-lasting changes that anchor her clients in internal safety, power, and their own unique truth. Offering her service as a full-time spiritual teacher and mentor since 2004, Zoya has been a catalyst for healing and self-realization to hundreds of people from all over the world. ——————————— how to, vlog, tutorial, ritual, letting go, release, emotions, Soul, Body, Spirit, sacred trinity, healing, processing emotions, grounding, emotional self-help, self-regulation, presence, emotional intelligence, repressing emotions, self-love, challenging situations, emotional regulation, emotions, feminine spirituality, embodied, embodiment
Zoya Lu - Womb-Moon Alchemy & Yoga


***獲取「安住於身」免費課程和其他Womb-Moon免費資源: ———————————————————————— 「身體煉金術」線上課程 了解更多 或 報名: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 近期有沒有感覺到不接地、擔心、緊張或注意力分散呢? 我邀請您參加免費的課程「安住於身」,讓您感到安全、自在並專注於自己的力量。 我們將一起學習基於Womb-Moon煉金術的簡單練習,以與您的身體建立更深層的連結,並練習釋放您已經不需要的能量。 當您安住於身體裡,您能夠在所有領域中豐富自己的生活,包括最重要的部分——健康、人際關係和自我實現。 所有性別和程度都歡迎參加! 報名連結: 引導者:卓雅 / Zoya Lu 卓雅是Womb-Moon 鍊金術與Womb-Moon 瑜珈的創立者。她熱衷於幫助大家與他們真正的本質--“愛”保持連結。她是經過專門培訓的子宮覺醒引導者、月祭司、情緒治療師、能量療癒師、瑜珈治療師和關係教練。作為一個心靈導師,她已教學17年,卓雅一直扮演著來自世界各地數百人的療癒及自我實現的催化者。 -------------------------------------------------------- 大多數人對一些他們從未去過的國家的了解比他們自己的身體還多。 學會傾聽身體,了解各個部位的功能與智慧,每一個身體都是一個小地球! 配合月亮的圓缺變化,我們會探索並開啟我們的女性第三眼、骨盆、子宮、薦椎(神聖骨頭)、太陽神經叢和月亮神經叢(認識腸子的智慧)、滿月的時候連結心輪, 最重要的是如何透過身體認識自己! 身體煉金術 Body Alchemy 線上課程 實用又神奇的引導, 奠基於最新的科學新知,以及體察自萬物之謎的洞見— 所有的結構,都與我們的天然週期相對應。   我們的生物界深自神聖與神奇。 身體更是充滿了寶藏。 藏寶圖,就在我們手上! 我們會創造一個讓人安全安心、神聖的小圈圈,能夠: ~練習有效的特定階段動態練習和身體探索,以便開啟再生力量同時治癒身心靈的連結 ~探索人體Womb-Moon生物能量地圖,和大自然裡的太陽、月亮週期的四階段保持一致 ~學會辨別自己身體的聲音,並開始接觸身體四大區域的智力、智慧和直覺 ~進行能量清理儀式,將原始碼注入生物場,並調整到與我們母親蓋雅-蘇菲雅充滿養分的生物能量體 學員最喜愛的部分如下:     卸下陽剛的盔甲,並靠近陰柔的自我   找到月亮神經叢和「靈魂的肌肉」   移除束縛你情感主導權的能量繩索   心靈煉金術儀式:穿梭於心上的6個聖地   開啟女性的第三眼或女神的嘴巴   增強身體的能量引擎 所有性別都歡迎參加! 名額:小班制 了解更多 或 報名: #身體煉金術 #安住於身 #wombmoon煉金術 #BodyAlchemy ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 我的 諮詢療程: 歡迎加入我們的Woon-Moon 女人圈: 如果對妳有幫助,我會很感激妳給我留言或點贊。 謝謝! 也歡迎分享。 Namaste! ———————- 卓雅熱愛引導女性以鍊金術煉化情緒,並充分顯化自身本質,好在自己的身體及關係中享有自由與愛。她是專業的子宮激活引導人、月祭司、情緒自由引導人、能量治療師、瑜珈療癒師及關係教練。在提供靈性導師的服務逾16年間,卓雅已為世界各地數以百計的人,催化療癒和自我實現。 二十多年前踏上靈性覺醒之後,卓雅在正念練習、哈達瑜伽、密宗瑜伽、能量心理學、諮詢輔導、能量療癒、身心靈全方位健康、冥想和瑜伽療法方面接受了廣泛的培訓。 她廣放地沈浸在世界智慧傳統和治療藝術的學習和實踐中,例如十三月神秘學、子宮薩滿教、阿育吠陀、道教、小乘佛教和密宗佛教,紮實地提升了她在諮詢輔導方面的能力。 Zoya 熱衷於通過獲取、榮耀和體現愛作為她們的真實本性來幫助女性們創造幸福的生活。 與她一起練習時,女性會感到被傾聽、被接受、被重視、被滋養和被愛。同時,卓雅會引導她們去發現問題的盲點。根據她的客戶和學生說,卓雅非常擅長將深奧的靈性內容轉換為主流世界裡十分接地氣的哲學內容和實踐方法。 卓雅有一種天賦,能夠識別並充滿同情心地指出任何困難的根源,並提供有效的支持以立即做出積極性的改變。 她的指導伴隨著情感及生理上的療癒,每個女人都需要真正的去愛和被愛。卓雅透過身心練習,以創造深刻、持久的改變。同時,以子宮為中心,練習錨定於內在的安全感、力量以及自身獨特的真相當中。 卓雅結合自己對人類心理的認識、指導他人的經驗、自身強大的直覺能力以及承諾結合,成為「愛之船」。 與她合作過的個案都有這樣的感受:「卓雅善良、熱情和溫柔的天性讓人立刻感到很舒服。 她與充滿滋養的能量共振,讓我感到被支持和被愛。」 --------------- 卓雅廣播,身體,煉金術,身體煉金術,女性第三眼,骨盆,子宮,薦椎,神聖骨頭、太陽神經叢,月亮神經叢,認識,腸子,智慧、滿月,連結,心輪,卓雅,經驗,瑜珈,療癒,焦慮,背痛,第一次,靜心,retreat, 宇宙,福佑, 染頭髮,原因, 頭髮,力量,儀式, 正面,負面,個性, 辛苦,享受, 愛, 關係, 親子關係,情緒, 煉金術, 自我調節, 共同調節,大學,翻譯系,學習中文,獎學金,教英文,震驚, 適應,中文,進步,想家,壓力,模特兒, 擔心、台灣 , 生病, 難過 , 身體, 自癒力, 放下, 覺察, 情緒, 悲傷, 自我幫助, 擔心, 轉化, 祝福
卓雅廣播 📢 12 靜心:跟自然循環同步的靜心方式
Zoya Lu - Womb-Moon Alchemy & Yoga

卓雅廣播 📢 12 靜心:跟自然循環同步的靜心方式

*歡迎妳參加免費Womb-Moon 線上 諮商與支持神聖圈: **獲取Womb-Moon練習和其他免費資源: ————————————————————————————————— 卓雅廣播 📢 12 靜心:跟自然循環同步的靜心方式 -我跟Jason怎麼共同帶領線上靜心 -住在森林的特性 -新月與滿月靜心的區別 -跟自然循環同步的靜心方式 -靜心的重要性 -靜心的類型 #卓雅廣播 #歡迎分享 #wombmoon煉金術 #身體煉金術 卓雅, 卓雅廣播,wombmoon煉金術, 愛, 關係, 情緒, 療癒, 煉金術, 自我調節, 共同調節 ------------------ 我的 諮詢療程: 歡迎加入我們的Woon-Moon 女人圈: 妳還可以分享自己的經驗,問我問題並被別的姐妹見證和擁抱。 If you enjoyed this video, subscribe to my channel here: And please share with someone you love so they benefit too. Namaste! ———————- how to, vlog, tutorial, emotions, Soul, Body, Spirit, sacred trinity, healing, processing emotions, grounding, emotional self-help, self-regulation, presence, emotional intelligence, repressing emotions, self-love, challenging situations, emotional regulation, emotions, self-control, feminine spirituality, embodied, embodiment
Simple Embodiment Practice - Womb-Moon Yoga: anchoring your essence back into the body
Zoya Lu - Womb-Moon Alchemy & Yoga

Simple Embodiment Practice - Womb-Moon Yoga: anchoring your essence back into the body

***Download guided audio yoga practices for FREE and get access to a video training on difficult emotions here: *** Join our private and safe Womb-Moon Yoga group on FB here: ---------------------------------------- Simple Embodiment Practice - Womb-Moon Yoga: anchoring your essence back into the body The essence of consciousness (or soul) lives in the body temple, and when fully embodied resides in the pelvic bowl, in the womb space. When you experience trauma or even just stress, your essence/soul disembodies - moves up or even out of the body. This simple practice is inviting and anchoring your essence back into the place in the body where it belongs. Let me know how it works for you in the comment section down below. Here are some links to other great embodiment practices: Pelvic Presence Practice: Svabhava Mudra: Womb and lunar crown activation: Yoga Nidra (short version): If you’re interested in more episodes on Womb-Moon yoga practices, check out this YouTube playlist here: --------------------------------- Love Coaching: Follow me online:  facebook page ~ private facebook group ~ instagram ~ If you enjoyed this video, subscribe to my channel here: And please share with someone you love so they benefit too. Namaste! ———————- Zoya Lu is a relationship coach and emotional freedom therapist. She’s also a womb awakening teacher and facilitator, embodiment priestess, and the founder of Womb-Moon Yoga - the way of life that re-creates love, oneness, and freedom. After a spiritual awakening over two decades ago, Zoya’s extensively trained in energy psychology, coaching, mindfulness, energy healing, holistic health, hatha and tantra yoga, meditation, and yoga therapy. Her coaching skills are enhanced with her immersion in the study and practice of the world’s wisdom traditions and healing arts such as the 13-Moon Mystery School, Womb Shamanism, Ayurveda, Taoism, Theravada, and Vajrayana Buddhism.    Zoya is passionate about helping women to create happy marriages by accessing, honoring, and embodying love as their true essence. When working with her, women feel heard, accepted, valued, nourished, and loved just the way they are, and, at the same time, they are guided to see their blind spots that contribute to their marriage problems. According to her clients, Zoya has a gift of recognizing and compassionately pointing out at the very root of any marriage difficulty and offering effective practical guidance and support to make immediate positive changes.    Her coaching comes along with the facilitation of emotional healing that every woman needs to truly love and be loved. Zoya’s approach is somatic to create deep and life-lasting changes and womb-centered to anchor her clients in internal safety, power, and their own unique truth.    Zoya combines her vast knowledge of the human psyche and coaching experience with her strong intuitive skills and commitment to be a vessel of love. Offering her service as a full-time spiritual teacher and mentor since 2004, Zoya has been a catalyst for healing and self-realization to hundreds of people from all over the world. womb, womb meditation, womb practice, feminine spirituality, embodied, guided meditation, meditation, feminine, pelvic area, grounded, empowered, relaxation, activate, sexual energy, energize womb, feminine foundation, Seren Bertrand, Womb Awakening, embodied alchemy, Love, Essence, healing, feminine being, creativity, sexuality, creative energy, womb power, feminine power, Divine Feminine, wisdom, empowerment, tutorial, vlog, Womb-Moon Yoga, Womb Yoga, Moon Yoga, embodiment, women’s yoga, yoga for women, Zoya Lu, free yoga, consciousness, self-love, introduction to yoga, free yoga, yoga, Zoyayoga, feminine foundation, self- care, yogini, chandra yoga, divine feminine yoga, pelvic presence, self- love
Spiral Womb Massage: Reconnect with your Feminine Essence in the Embodied Way //  Womb-Moon Yoga
Zoya Lu - Womb-Moon Alchemy & Yoga

Spiral Womb Massage: Reconnect with your Feminine Essence in the Embodied Way // Womb-Moon Yoga

***Get access to my FREE library of audio downloads and video training: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Spiral Womb Massage @ Womb-Moon Yoga: Reconnect with your Feminine Essence in the Embodied Way #wombmassage #wombawakening #selfcare ~help the circulation of blood and energy in your belly ~feel into any tension and embrace it back into love ~encode yourself with Spiral - the sacred geometry of the Divine Mother ~invoke the elements of water and fire within your womb ~bless your womb with love ~reconnect with your feminine essence in the embodied way of self-care Please share what your intention for the massage was and what sensations, feelings, and emotions arose for you in the comment section down below. -------------------------- Love Coaching: Follow me online:  facebook page ~ private facebook group ~ instagram ~ If you enjoyed this video, subscribe to my channel here: and hit the bell notification icon to be notified about future videos. And please share with someone you love so they benefit too. Namaste! ———————- Zoya Lu is a relationship coach and emotional freedom therapist. She’s also a womb awakening teacher and facilitator, embodiment priestess, and the founder of Womb-Moon Yoga - the way of life that re-creates love, oneness, and freedom. After a spiritual awakening over two decades ago, Zoya’s extensively trained in energy psychology, coaching, mindfulness, energy healing, holistic health, hatha and tantra yoga, meditation, and yoga therapy. Her coaching skills are enhanced with her immersion in the study and practice of the world’s wisdom traditions and healing arts such as the 13-Moon Mystery School, Womb Shamanism, Ayurveda, Taoism, Theravada, and Vajrayana Buddhism.    Zoya is passionate about helping women to create happy marriages by accessing, honoring, and embodying love as their true essence. When working with her, women feel heard, accepted, valued, nourished, and loved just the way they are, and, at the same time, they are guided to see their blind spots that contribute to their marriage problems. According to her clients, Zoya has a gift of recognizing and compassionately pointing out at the very root of any marriage difficulty and offering effective practical guidance and support to make immediate positive changes.    Her coaching comes along with the facilitation of emotional healing that every woman needs to truly love and be loved. Zoya’s approach is somatic to create deep and life-lasting changes and womb-centered to anchor her clients in internal safety, power, and their own unique truth.    Zoya combines her vast knowledge of the human psyche and coaching experience with her strong intuitive skills and commitment to be a vessel of love. Offering her service as a full-time spiritual teacher and mentor since 2004, Zoya has been a catalyst for healing and self-realization to hundreds of people from all over the world.


“我向所有想要更好地了解自己並治愈過去的人強烈推薦 Zoya。

Zoya 可以在為期 3 個月的計劃中支持您,邀請您更深入地了解自己的身體。通過呼吸和小動作,Zoya 引導我成為意識到我的限制性信念和準則不再為我服務。

這仍然是一個需要繼續的過程,我感謝 Zoya 在人生旅途中的支持。謝謝 Zoya ❤️”


Lene Gudmundsen



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